Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Mother & Daughter Day

Every now and then, Hannah requests mother/daughter days. She will suggest a resturant, always mexican, and just do things for us. So last Saturday we went. Thought I would share a few pictures from our day.

The beginning of our day.

The girl loves her chips and queso!

What idiots put big blow up toys in front of Hobby Lobby?

I love mother & daughter days :)!!!

Colton ~ Then & Now

Colton brought home his baseball pictures for this year & it came out really good. Probably one of the best I've gotten from school. So I dug out his first ever baseball picture his first year to play tball. I can't believe how fast it has gone.

Little Boy Baseball 1999

Big Boy Baseball 2008

Thursday, April 24, 2008

New Music

So I added some new music that I really like. How long has it been since you danced to "Funky Cold Medina" I ask? I had this playing this morning on the way to school and Colton just looks at me like I was crazy. So of course I put it full blast as he opens his door to drop him off at the baseball field. I love embarrassing my children; it's the little thrill of being a parent :). So if you want to get down and boogie click on Funky Cold Medina on my playlist and enjoy a blast from the past.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Quiet Saturday

I have no kids here this morning and the husband is outside. It's one of those "haven't put on the bra yet" type of Saturdays :). I haven't had one of these Saturday's in such a long time I forgot how much fun they are. I have gotten nothing productive done. Well I did manage to throw sheets in the washer but that is it. I have blogged surfed finding so much inspiration by some talented ladies. "I Love Lucy" is on and I still laugh out loud when I watch even after all of these years of watching. Hope your Saturday is as good as mine has been.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Took this picture of Max this morning. He often lays in the sun all spawled out but today he had his feet propped up on the sidewalk, so sweet. He has such a rough life. :)

Saturday, April 12, 2008

I Feel Old

I just saw on MSN home page that the valley girl is 25 years old. Has it really been that long? It has. I will have my 20th high school reunion in May and it seems like yesterday I was choking to death on my AquaNet hairspray. I might go buy some today just for fun.

Friday, April 11, 2008

AMR Spring Challenge

Nicole is having a Spring Challenge. This is my first challenge to participate in but I see more in my future. I had a blast doing these. Thanks Nicole.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Another gift holder

This is the other rectangle pail I covered to give as a gift holder. I really like the paper on this. I'm so glad I picked up the paper when we went shopping. Still slapping myself for not grabbing more pails. They are so easy to make.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

A Dollar Spot Find

Found these rectangle pails in the dollar spot at Target. I had never seen these before and immediately thought, I can slap some cardstock on that & make it a little gift basket for Hannah's teacher at the end of school. I only got 2 (slap me somebody).

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Oklahoma Redbuds ~ POTD

I knew when we started planting trees last fall I wanted to plant something native to Oklahoma, hence the Oklahoma Redbud. The blooms are gorgeous and I can't wait for our little redbuds to grow up to be big.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Finally ~ Colton Pictures :)

Got some pretty good shots of Colton yesterday playing ball. They won the first game, it was a blowout. Came back in the 5th inning on the second game to win. They did a great job. I think if I had a better camera (hint hint Brent) the pictures wouldn't look as grainy, but still pretty good.