I loved this hotel. They left a lot of the original features of the building. The floor in our room was the original wood. The room was on the small size but just for 2 people it was just fine.

They left the original elevator doors in the main lobby.

And the mailbox in between the elevator doors.

Love the glass above the doors. And the drinking fountains.

This was the housekeeping closet. It was the old safe.
When Brent called the hotel for information earlier in the week, they told him we needed to be there before 2:00 Saturday afternoon because the streets would start closing for the Fiesta Flambeau Parade. Uhhh okay. We had no idea what a big deal the "Fiesta" was to the community. Found out it was America's largest night parade and they were expecting 35,000 people. HOLY CRAP!!! And we were smack dab in the middle of it. The hotel put out chairs for hotel guests but they failed to tell us we had to get a pass. But they did sit out more chairs and the manager made sure that we had 2 just for us.

The festivities started at 7:00 and was still going strong when we finally decided to go up to our room. It was around 11:00 when things started rounding down.
Sunday we went to my Great Aunt Gertrude's house to visit. We were meeting up with some other family members later on for a late lunch so we headed out for some breakfast and then to the mall for a little shopping. After lunch we went over to my cousin's house to meet up with some more family and had a nice visit.
It was a fast trip but well worth it. We ate very well and I didn't have to cook any of it so that was really worth it. Thanks to my hubby for this little mini break. We needed to be recharged. And thanks to my Dad for keeping up with our kids. I know they had fun and to get away from us :)