This past weekend Colton & I made a fast trip to Seabrook, Tx to see the newest addition to the family, Aiden James.

He is the sweetest thing. He likes to eat, poop & sleep. You know, like most babies do :)

Here he is with his Grandma who is officially BeBe now. She's to young to be a Grandma.

It seems like yesterday when Colton was this little. Aiden is Colton's (and Hannah) first official "2nd" cousin.

And finally with his Momma. She is such a good little Momma & so is his Daddy. Sorry Shea. I never got a picture of you with him.
We had a great visit. It was nice to get away even if it was fast & furious. We are having a family baby shower for them in July so that is going to be fun to plan. I have a list started of things to do but I'm waiting until after this weekend to really dive in deep. We are hosting my family reunion so we (and by we I mean Brent) has been getting things ready on the outside. I'll start cleaning on Thursday. I made the announcement to the kids this morning that they are responsible for the upstairs. They took it better than I thought but they are sorta being nice because we are putting in an above the ground pool tomorrow. And by we I mean the installion guys are putting it in :)