Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day? Who knew!

Yes I voted. Thank goodness this day is here & I can quit reading ugly post, etc on Facebook. I've learned some interesting things about some "friends". Things that got some people unfriended. I'm sure they give a rip.

It's no secret that I am a big ole' democrat. Living in Oklahoma, I'm surrounded by republicans. There is no way President Obama will win Oklahoma. I vote because it does matter. It matters to my daughter who I think should be given the same opportunities as any man. It matters to my son who will be going to college and will need pell grants to pay for his education. Sorry, no trust fund kid. It matters to my husband because he works hard for our family & I want him to be able to retire at an age that he can still have time to enjoy retirement.

So fingers crossed that my man wins tonight. And fingers crossed that if he does win, my newsfeed on Facebook simmers down by Thursday ;)

Until next time ~ Stacy

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Shock! A pic with the boy.

Thanks Becky for getting a picture of us :)

Tomorrow night is senior night. Don't think I'll get teary. We will have one more senior night for baseball. That's when I'll lose it :)

Until next time ~ Stacy

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Senior Pictures, oy!

Finally got to shoot Colton's senior pictures a couple of weeks ago. Here are a few of my favorites.

I'm really pleased how they turned out. Tina Eddy Weaver did the shoot. She has been taking classes and really does a great job. Will definitely use her again.
Until next time ~ Stacy

Punk Rocker Zombie but still cute!

Hannah had a Halloween dance at school.

Glad I got my big camera out!

Need to quit using my iPhone all of the time.

But iPhone pics still aren't that bad with Instagram.
She won a Sonic card. It's the little things y'all!!
She had a party Saturday night & will wear her costume for trick or treating. We got our money's worth this year :)
Until next time ~ Stacy

Last HS Cross Country Meet. Ever.

Colton ran his last HS CC meet yesterday at the State Championships. The team placed 9th. Can't believe it's over.

Glad PaPa got to see him run.

Colton with 2 of his buddies, Ian & Jonathan. Didn't realize Jonathan's eyes were closed until we left, oops!

Now on to baseball!!!

Until next time ~ Stacy

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Ben the Crown Bearer

Nephew Ben was homecoming crown bearer this year. He was very cute. He had some anxiety tears, but battled through like a trooper. I spent the morning with him going to practice, visits & a pep rally.

Ben with Blakelyn. She watched the boys a few days a week this past summer. They had a hard time saying her name & she was renamed Bacon.

Ben & Ashley. She was crowned queen. She is a sweetheart & I'm glad she won.

Ben & Gage. Gage was a senior escort. He's also Colton's best friend since they were little bitty squirts.

Hannah & Ben before crowning. He was so done by this time. He refused to were his tie & jacket. At least he wore pants. Pick your battles.

Ben & Colton. Colton got him laughing. He likes Colton.

Fun day :)

Until next time ~ Stacy

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

I know, it's been awhile!

So yeah, I haven't blogged in a really long time. And the only reason I'm blogging right now is because it's 5:00 AM & I'm wide awake, bored.

So recap of our summer. It was hot. Made a trip to Kansas City to eat at all of the places I've heard about for years that Brent has been wanting me to try. It was a food fest & very yummy. I could go for a steak from Ruth's Chris or Jack Stack's cheesy corn. I'm drooling.

The kids & I made a quick trip to Arlington to hang out with Shae. Colton worked all summer so he really couldn't take off so that was his little break. They went to hurricane harbor & we did some other stuff.

We celebrated Brent's parents' 50th wedding anniversary in August with a reception. There was a big crowd, a no cake left crowd.

And now we are in the back to school schedule & busy with cross country yada yada yada. Colton is a senior, tear, & Hannah is in 7th grade. She ran for stuco again this year & is a 7th grade rep. She is still karating & hopefully will have her black belt before the year is over.

And I started making cookie bouquets. Surprisingly, that has been keeping me busy. I have also made desserts for Brent's company, some cookie orders here & there, and got a pie & cake order yesterday.

I leave you with a picture that Brent's sister, Becky, found when she was gathering pics for the reception. I crack up every time I look it.

Bryan, Becky & Brent

Until next time ~ Stacy

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Fence

We finally painted the fence. We discussed and discussed on what color to use. White, brown & black were the contenders. We picked black and it looks really good.

Although it's painted, we still don't have a completed fence. There are gates to be added and a few pipes left to go up. This is the never ending project but we see a light at the end of the tunnel.

Until next time ~ Stacy

Sunday, May 6, 2012


Shae came in Saturday afternoon to hang out with us. Her mom & dad came down this morning to surprise her :) She was surprised to say the least.

We spent the day visiting and eating, two things we do really really good. It was a fun weekend.

Until next time ~ Stacy

Friday, May 4, 2012

Pool Season Officially Opened

It's heating up here in southern Oklahoma so Brent installed the pool ladder and we are ready for pool time. We got a solar blanket to help heat the water up and it worked :)

The pool was a lot easier to get ready this year. Last year it was nasty nasty nasty but this time around it stayed clear during winter. That made Brent a happy boy!

Baseball is over. They lost today in extra innings :( We only have a few weeks left in school so hopefully we will be enjoying some down time really soon!!!

Until next time ~ Stacy

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Little League Flashback

We finally made it to one Luke's ballgames. I haven't been to a little league game since Colton's & that seems like years ago. I guess it has :)

Forgot how cute the kids are at that age with no cares or worries. Wish we could bottle that up.

Speaking of baseball, our high school team is playing in the regional playoffs. They won the first game beating a team that has beat us twice this year. Love it when that happens. They are playing right now but haven't heard a score yet. Fingers crossed. Hopefully we'll be going to area playoffs next week.

Until next time ~ Stacy

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Track & other stuff

Hannah's last track meet was on Wednesday and luckily it was at Lindsay, Brent's hometown. Abby & Hannah both ran. It was fun to watch both of them.

It was a huge track meet. I've never see that many schools at a track meet before, ever.

Just a few more weeks left of school. This year went fast. Hannah is ready. Colton hasn't said but I'm sure he is ready too. Brent has been working hard outside getting the yard/land back into shape after the winter & getting ready for summer. He is finishing up the deck around the pool & getting lights up so we can see any critters sneaking up on us :)

Until next time ~ Stacy

Friday, April 27, 2012

District Champs!!!

Great job Wildcats!!!

Until next time ~ Stacy

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

We Love Shae Weekends

We had a Shae weekend a couple of weeks ago. It will be a while before she can visit again because she has track meets every weekend until school is out. We hung out a lot and got to go to a Thunder game. Good times.

Hanging around.

Harley loves Shae.


Catching up on homework.

And the Thunder game.

Not sure what is going on with Hannah & Brent's faces but Shae looks pretty :). This was my first Thunder game & first NBA game. It was fun. The lady was having lots of fun but around the 4th quarter she wore herself out. She was a hoot.

We are still in the heart of baseball & track. Colton has 4 games this week. Crazy.

Until next time ~ Stacy

Monday, March 19, 2012

Cousin Bonding

Shae came up after her track meet on Friday. We love it when she is here, especially Hannah. We went to Colton's baseball game on Saturday. Went to eat hibachi & sushi that night and then came home for a little poop on your neighbor. That's a card game we play. Don't even know how to explain it but it's fun. Sunday we slept in and after breakfast we went geocaching for a little while.

The kids are on spring break so Hannah went back with Shae to get a little taste of college life. I know she is having a blast. We'll meet halfway on Wednesday to pick her up so she can get back. Hannah has plans to go with friends to watch The Hunger Games. She is my social butterfly :)

Until next time ~ Stacy

Monday, February 27, 2012

Valentine's Princess

Hannah was chosen by her peers as a nominee for her school's Valentine's Day Dance Queen. Very exciting. She could make posters, we made one, & pass out treats.

I had the poster board on hand and it just happened to look valentine'sy (new word). In my memory bank I could remember a picture I took of her one Christmas morning with her new crown & thought how sweet that picture would be on her poster.

We went dress shopping & we got lucky at the first store. She found a cute red dress on the sale rack for $12. Yes, 12 DOLLARS. And when we were checking out the cashier asked if we had a coupon, we didn't, but he did so we got an addtional 20% off. Jackpot!!!! We found shoes for $20. She had a pretty little heart necklace her MeMe gave her so I got out of this a lot cheaper than I thought I would, well, until she couldn't find the shoes 10 minutes before we had to leave for her to have her hair done for the dance, I'll get to that in a minute.

Some pictures I took during the dance.

This is Cody. His dad went to school with Brent at Lindsay. And now their kids are going to school together in Madill. Fun!

Hannah didn't win but like they always say, it was a honor just to be nominated :) She had a ball so that is all that matters.

So back to the shoes. I had made an appointment to have her hair done. Her hair is thick & hard to keep a curl so I knew it would be more fun, for the both of us, just to have it done. It was worth every penny. Anyway, 10 minutes before we had to leave to get to her appointment (that they were working her in mind you) she couldn't find her shoes. Anywhere. And she didn't have any other shoes that would work. I'll admit it, I was beyond pissed. So I told her she would have to wear black flip flops if we couldn't find a pair in town (we had 2 choices, Walmart or another little department store in our little town). After her hair appointment we didn't have much time to look for anything because she still had to get ready. Department store nada. Fingers crossed as we walked into Walmart & they had some for $10 that worked out perfectly. Phew! Oh, & she found the first pair on Sunday after the dance. Where were they? In the bottom of clothes hamper. I'm still trying to figure that one out.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Hannah was asked to be on the SWAT team from the karate school she goes to. They do demonstrations at basketball games, etc. She was excited about getting to be on the team. They have been practicing since fall & finally got to perform last month for the our schools.

This group consist of different ages.

Hannah was getting a little nervous here :) They performed 2 times at the elementary school so she had time to calm herself down before performing before her peers at the middle school. The little ones loved them.

Jerry really liked them too. His aid brought him to both performances because she said he just laughed and smiled throughout the whole thing :)

They survived performing in front of the middle school, yea!!!!

Their last performance was for the high school, including her brother & he was impressed.

They have performed at a couple of basketball games & that's it so far. They will probably get busy again when festival season gets started in the area. We love our festivals here in the South :)

When I get a good video of them performing I will post it. I had one, but the boy who does the nunchucks hit himself in the eye & it was a little too bloody. He was okay. A little super glue fixed it right up.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Cherry Limeade

I've been on a major Braum's cherry limeade kick. I use to like Sonic cherry limeades which is basically cherry flavoring thrown in sprite but they changed their cherry flavor a while ago & I didn't like it, at all.

I've tried different recipes here & there that were okay, but not as good as Braum's. Finally I googled Braum's cherry limeade recipe and one popped up. Yea! And it taste just like Braum's version. And saves me money.

Here's the recipe:

1/4 C simple syrup mixture (see below)
1 lime (roll on counter before cutting)
2 T maraschino cherry juice
Club soda

Cut lime in half & squeeze juice into glass. Throw one lime half in glass. Add cherry juice, a few cherries & simple syrup mix, stir. Add ice. Top off with club soda & stir. Easy peasy & so dang good.

Simple Syrup

Bring 1 cup of sugar & 1 cup of water to a boil, let cool. That's it.

You can use 2 tablespoons of grenadine instead of cherry juice but I don't like the taste of the grenadine in this drink.

So there you go. Let me know if you try and liked this version of cherry limeade.

Until next time ~ Stacy

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Had a post ready but

Stupid blogpress wouldn't work. So I had to delete the app and reinstall.

We are in the same thing everyday mode of our life. Hannah is finished with basketball and track will be starting. Colton decided to play baseball this year after sitting out last year. I opened my big mouth and offered to organize sandwich making for out I town games. Good luck to me.

I deleted all my pictures off my phone after uploading them to my computer so this will be a picture less post. I'll get better about posting :)

Until next time ~ Stacy