Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Baseball has been really fun so far this year. Granted we are only a few weeks in & I'm sure I will be ready for it to be over with later on but so far, so good. I ventured inside the fence yesterday to get some pictures without fence.

Let me just say "oh how I wished I had this grass at my house". It feels like lush carpet. Even the visiting team was commenting how nice it was.

The boys got some hand me down shirts from the HS yesterday. I'm just glad Colton remembered to take his long sleeve black under armour or he would have looked really funny.

Colton warming up.

So many of the boys have been playing ball together since they started in little league.

I love this picture of Colton and the 1st base coach. He is a retired Oklahoma Highway Patrolman. He doesn't get paid to help, he just does because he loves baseball and teaching the kids.

Another picture that has nothing to do with baseball but I couldn't resist. Little Ben was feeling yuck yesterday and he kept crying out during his nap. Finally I just laid him on the couch. He woke up & got up but then I walked by & he was like this.

Oh yeah, Colton made the winning hit in the last inning. And we came from behind in the 2nd game in the last inning to win too! I'm telling you they are killing me; my heart can't take games like that.

1 comment :

Lori said...

Cute kiddos! I can't believe it's already time for baseball! I still haven't changed all my clocks. Am I behind or what?