We walked into the ER and of course there is a line to register. I finally got her checked in with several people in front of us. And she. Is. Hurting. She kept on asking "I'm I next" and I just had to keep on telling her no. I usually am the calm one in situations like this but she scared me.
Thankfully we got to go to a room after her vitals were taken. Shelly had called, she works at the hospital, to see if there was any way she could get moved up. And we did. It's nice having some inside connections.
So after blood work, urine test and a cat scan, appendicitis was ruled out and turns out she had a urinary tract infection. I can't believe how hard and fast it hit her without any warning signs. Crazy. They dosed her up with some medicine and we got to come home. I let her stay home today so she could drink lots of water and rest. She is in fine form now and will be returning to school tomorrow.
Now to Colton. He starting having cold like symptoms last night. I've had a little cold so I thought that is what he had so I went on and sent him to school. He texted me at lunch feeling worse so I went on and picked him up and made an appointment to see the doctor. And he has bronchitis. Great. So we go back to the pharmacy, went earlier for Hannah's medicine, and got him started on his antibiotic. He is suppose to run at an indoor track meet at OU Friday but I don't see it happening.
And Brent is having some issues and he may have diverticulitis so he has been on antibiotics among other things.
So currently, the dog and I are not on any medications. (Knock on wood.) Hopefully everyone will be on the road to recovery and feeling better. Now I must go so I can put my nurse hat back on and give the patients their medicine for the night :)
Oh one more thing. Paul Ryan, he's giving the GOP response to the State of the Union, is married to a girl from my hometown. Her sister and I are the same age and still keep in touch. Her Dad still lives here. I don't agree with Paul Ryan politically, but think it's pretty cool that our small town has connections to a big player in the Repulican party. My Dad gets Christmas cards from them too :)
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