Monday, December 27, 2010

And like that, it's over.

Another Christmas has come and gone. It comes faster and faster each year. I'm ready to take my stuff down already. Usually I hate to take it down because the house looks so bare but I'm ready this year. I guess I'm getting older and more scroogier. I think I just made a new word.

Some pictures.

Everybody had a good Christmas. I'm thankful that we are able to give our kids a good Christmas when there are so many that can't.

So this week should be relaxing. I'm not watching my nephews this week and I only know of one thing that needs to be exchanged. Colton gets to take his driver's license test this week, hopefully. Can't believe we'll have a kid driving legally, oy!

Oh, and I turned 41 yesterday. Brent took me out to eat and to the casino, my kind of day. My dad and his "special" friend came along too. It was fun.

Hope y'all had a great holiday and wishing you the best 2011.

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